ESP Biography

MING CHEW TEO, PhD candidate working on contact languages

Major: EALC

College/Employer: Stanford

Year of Graduation: Not available.

Picture of Ming Chew Teo

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

R4470: World Englishes in Splash Fall 2015 (Nov. 07 - 08, 2015)
With the rise of English as a global language, many localized and indigenized forms of English are emerging – African American Vernacular English, Chicano English, Hawaiian Creole English, Indian English, Singapore English, and so on. In this course, we will explore the sociohistorical reasons behind the emergence of these Englishes and understand how and why these Englishes have completely different linguistic structures. The creative use of these Englishes in fiction, popular culture and electronic media show that they are vibrant and fascinating languages in their own right.

R4135: The Science of Language in Splash Spring 2015 (Apr. 11 - 12, 2015)
Do you enjoy solving puzzles or mysteries? Here are some language-related puzzles that we will tackle in this class: Why does the letter ‘s’ sound differently in ‘cats’ and ‘dogs’? Why do people sometimes say ‘Give John the book’ and other times ‘Give the book to John’? How does sarcasm work? Why do people talk differently?