ESP Biography

CHING-YANG YU, Postdoctoral scholar in quantum optics

Major: Applied Physics

College/Employer: Stanford

Year of Graduation: Not available.

Picture of Ching-Yang Yu

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Ching-Yang (Leo) Yu became captivated by quantum computing immediately when he learned about it as an undergraduate in Taiwan. He then came to Stanford to pursue his Ph. D. and postdoc. His main research interest is to create, explore, and manipulate quantum materials for both classical and quantum information processing (IP). Such new IP units promise to perform energy-efficiently at a single quantum level, and to tackle outstanding quantum physics and chemistry problems via simulation.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

C6084: Quantum Key Distribution: How Can Quantum Mechanics Secure Your Communication? in Splash Fall 2017 (Nov. 11 - 12, 2017)
What is “quantum”? How does the weirdness of quantum mechanics promise another revolution in information technology? In this class, you’ll learn the basic principles of quantum mechanics, and apply these principles to understand quantum key distribution, a perfectly secure way for communication. The class will foster physical understanding through demonstrations during lecture.

C5662: Quantum Key Distribution: How Can Quantum Mechanics Secure Your Communication? in Splash Spring 2017 (Apr. 22 - 23, 2017)
What is “quantum”? How does the weirdness of quantum mechanics promise another revolution in information technology? In this class, you’ll learn the basic principles of quantum mechanics, and apply these principles to understand quantum key distribution, a perfectly secure way for communication. The class will foster physical understanding through demonstrations during lecture.

C5237: Quantum key distribution: how can quantum mechanics secure your communication? in Splash Fall 2016 (Dec. 03 - 04, 2016)
What is “quantum”? How does the weirdness of quantum mechanics promise another revolution in information technology? In this class, you’ll learn the basic principles of quantum mechanics, and apply these principles to understand quantum key distribution, a perfectly secure way for communication. The class will foster physical understanding through demonstrations during lecture.