ESP Biography

SHUVANGINI JHA, Stanford senior interested in digital humanities

Major: Computer Science

College/Employer: Stanford

Year of Graduation: 2024

Picture of Shuvangini Jha

Brief Biographical Sketch:

I'm a senior at Stanford studying Computer Science. I'm interested in applying decolonial, feminist, and Indigenous frameworks to the study of Artificial Intelligence, and I aspire to go into academia. Currently, I am researching "ghost work" in AI, examining and synthesizing theories about algorithmic control, occupational well-being, human computation, and platform labor within the context of South Asia.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

L7900: Love and Social Change: Love and Revolution: An Exploration of Activism and the Power of Revolutionary Love in Splash Fall 2023 (Dec. 02 - 03, 2023)
Are you curious about the intersections of love, revolution, and the power of collective action? Join us for an engaging and thought-provoking journey into the world of "Love and Social Change," where you will discover that revolutionary love is far more than just a concept—it's a tangible, common, and deeply embodied experience among activists worldwide. This radical solidarity transcends boundaries and manifests as political direct action, long-term processes of resistance, and a new set of ethics hat challenges established norms.