ESP Biography

ALAN LE, Stanford senior in Human Biology

Major: Human Biology

College/Employer: Stanford

Year of Graduation: 2013

Picture of Alan Le

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Alan is a member of the Stanford chapter of the Student Society for Stem Cell Research. The SSSCR promotes educated and informed discussion on the scientific, ethical, and sociopolitical aspects of stem cell technology.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

B2894: Stem Cells 101: What are they? Why do we care? in Splash! Spring 2013 (Apr. 13 - 14, 2013)
What do stem cells look like? How are stem cells grown and used to treat diseases? How many different kinds of stem cells do each of us have in our bodies? Is stem cell research ethical? In this class, we will explore these questions and many more! Taught by the Stanford chapter of the Student Society for Stem Cell Research.

V2898: Performance Science: Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine in Splash! Spring 2013 (Apr. 13 - 14, 2013)
If you're interested in learning about science in a creative and interactive way, this class is for you! Students will learn about key concepts and advances in regenerative medicine. You'll then present your findings through a creative display of your choice. What would be the best way to teach your fellow classmates about things like stem cells and cloning? Poetry? A dramatic skit? Interpretive dance? Come prepared to learn and relate to science in a unique way! Taught by the Stanford Student Society for Stem Cell Research.

B2901: A Day in the Life of a Virus in Splash! Spring 2013 (Apr. 13 - 14, 2013)
You've probably had a viral infection before, but have you ever wondered how tiny viruses make you sick? How do microorganisms, invisible to the naked eye, overwhelm animals that are millions of times their size? Join us in exploring the biology of viruses. We'll be putting ourselves into the shoes of a human virus to find out what it means to be contagious, infectious, and deadly. We'll also discuss the viral anatomy, introduce you to the human immune system, and show you how to fight back against these tiny pathogens. Come find out for yourselves what make viruses extraordinary!

W3036: Stem Cells 101 Walkin Seminar in Splash! Spring 2013 (Apr. 13 - 14, 2013)
What do stem cells look like? How are stem cells grown and used to treat diseases? How many different kinds of stem cells do each of us have in our bodies? Is stem cell research ethical? In this class, we will explore these questions and many more! Taught by the Stanford chapter of the Student Society for Stem Cell Research.

B2389: The Great Stem Cell Debate in Splash! Fall 2012 (Nov. 03 - 04, 2012)
After some background information about recent developments in stem cell technology, therapy, research is provided, students will get to roleplay and debate and discuss the ethical implications behind these advancements and about the future of stem cell research. Get ready to “roll"-play!

B2166: The Great Stem Cell Debate in Splash! Spring 2012 (Apr. 21 - 22, 2012)
After some background information about recent developments in stem cell technology, therapy, research is provided, students will get to roleplay and debate and discuss the ethical implications behind these advancements and about the future of stem cell research. Get ready to "roll"-play!

B1401: 21st Century Advancements in Stem Cell Technology in Splash! Spring 2011 (Apr. 16 - 17, 2011)
So you've heard about stem cells on the news or in class, and you'd like to find out more about what they can do. This course, taught by members of the Stanford Student Society for Stem Cell Research, will cover recent advancements in stem cell technology and research. If you've ever wondered whether stem cells can be used to grow organs, repair spinal cord injuries, or cure cancer, this class is for you!

S1036: Stem Cells: What are they? Why do we care? in Splash! Fall 2010 (Nov. 13 - 14, 2010)
What do stem cells look like? How are stem cells grown and used to treat diseases? How many different kinds of stem cells do each of us have in our bodies? Is stem cell research ethical? In this class, we will explore these questions and many more.

S808: Stem Cells: What are they? Why do we care? in Splash! Spring 2010 (Apr. 17 - 18, 2010)
What do stem cells look like? How are stem cells grown and used to treat diseases? How many different kinds of stem cells do each of us have in our bodies? Is stem cell research ethical? In this class, we will explore these questions and many more.