ESP Biography

ARMIN NAMAVARI, CS Major, Teacher, RA, Peer Counselor, Polyglot

Major: Computer Science

College/Employer: Stanford

Year of Graduation: 2019

Picture of Armin Namavari

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

P7275: Ultimate Frisbee! in Splash Spring 2019 (May. 04 - 05, 2019)
All levels welcome! We'll cover the basics of throwing and catching, go over the rules of the game, and then dive deeper into strategies for offense and defense. We'll also learn some fun variations e.g. "Three Flags Up," "Mini," etc. We'll get it a good deal of playing time towards the end. Feel free to bring cleats if you have them, but they are definitely not required.

A7276: Improv in Splash Spring 2019 (May. 04 - 05, 2019)
This class will be a short intro to improv acting! We'll begin by playing some common improv games and then transition into short scenes. We will discuss the principles of improv, narrative skills, character development, etc.

M6786: Cryptography in Splash Fall 2018 (Dec. 01 - 02, 2018)
How is your information kept secure? What mathematical tools enable us to keep secrets, thwart malicious tampering, and establish the identities of others on the internet? We'll cover a broad variety of topics from encryption, integrity, public key cryptography, digital signatures, key exchange, as well as a brief survey of how these ideas interplay in modern technologies such as cryptocurrencies.

P6828: Ultimate Frisbee! in Splash Fall 2018 (Dec. 01 - 02, 2018)
All levels welcome! We'll first cover the basics of throwing and catching, go over the rules of the game, and then dive deeper into strategies for offense and defense. We'll also learn some fun variations e.g. "Three Flags Up," "Mini," etc. We'll get it a good deal of playing time towards the end. Feel free to bring cleats if you have them, but they are definitely not required.